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I long for a child who is free of stress, worries, or care in the world.
Your thoughts about who you should be create tension. Relaxation is intrinsic to your identity.
There is a lot of tension in that area.
A person becomes mature when they accept that life is full of tension.
Relaxing occurs when you have no time to spare.
There is no daily increase, only a daily decrease. Focus on the essentials.
Take a break so that the field can rest and yield a bountiful crop.
Being here but wanting to be there can lead to stress.
Our reaction to stress is what kills us, not stress itself.
A crust that is eaten in peace is better than a banquet that is shared with anxiety.
Treating every situation as life or death will result in multiple deaths.
The act of doing nothing and then resting afterwards is so beautiful.
Life isn’t just about increasing its speed.
The best time to relax is when you don’t have any free time.
Enjoying a lovely moment is the best way to pay for it.
There is no daily increase, only a daily decrease. Focus on the essentials.
The only way to change your life is to change something you do every day.
Stress is a result of being present and wanting to be present.
The person you think you should be is the source of tension. Relaxation is intrinsic to your identity.
Changing your attitude can transform negative stress into a positive one.
If you slow down, everything you’re chasing will come around and catch you.
Accepting life as full of tension is what leads to maturity.
It’s a beautiful thing to do nothing and then rest afterwards.
To get relief quickly, try slowing down.
In my opinion, dancing is the most effective way to relieve stress.
The best way to relieve stress is by creating something I can use.
Love yourself so much that you set boundaries. Your time and energy are of great value.
A light warrior does not mistake tension for anxiety.
The act of music is like releasing a huge amount of tension.
Enjoy the Collection and remember to share it with your friends.
Relaxation is only possible when there is no time to do it.
Stress is a state of ignorance. The belief is that everything is an emergency.
Stress doesn’t kill us, it’s our response to it.
Music can release a lot of tension.
During times of stress and pressure, I concentrate.
There is a lot of tension present in that area.
Integrity is a result of tension.
If you view every situation as if it’s life or death, you’ll end up dying multiple times.
Take a break; a field that has rested produces a rich crop.
Justice is key to true peace, not just the absence of tension.
The best way to relieve stress is by creating something useful.
Love yourself so much that you set boundaries. It’s valuable to have your time and energy.
Your identity is determined by your tension. Relaxation is part of your identity.
His focus on not changing his mind was exaggerated, just like all weak men.
Eating a crust in peace is better than sharing a banquet with anxiety.
Don’t let the could haves weigh you down; if it had, it would have.
I long for a child who had no stress, worries, or care in the world.
Being here but wanting to be there is what causes stress.
Accepting life as full of tension is what leads to maturity.
Our ability to choose one thought over another is the most effective way to counter stress.
It’s beautiful to do nothing and then rest afterwards.
Stress management is not a quick fix, it’s a lifelong process.
Recognize that you are not necessary.
If you wait until Someday comes, you’ll be waiting for a long time since it’s not a day of the week.
Avoid blaming others and situations – we have the final say on how our time is spent.
Regardless of who we are or what we do in life, stress will always find us.
Life can be stressful at times, regardless of your status.
It can be difficult to return to your happy state when stress takes control.
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